The Hinckley Disciples Church was organized on the 20th of February, 1870. At a congregational meeting on February 2, 1871, a building committee was appointed and instructed to erect a building not o exceed $2000.00. A Mr. P. C. Parker was chosen as the architect.
The building was erected and dedicated in December of the same year.
H. N. Allen was pastor of the church until 1874 when he was succeeded by H. B. Cox, for one year and then George Musser for two years. There were a number of ministers who followed, among them being the Rev. Charles Searles, who served from 1901 to 1907.
There were fifty-three members when the church was organized. From that time on there were additions and dismissals with the records showing that in the year 1911, there were 37 contributing members. Records from this time until the year 1938 are very limited, but we do know church services were conducted occasionally. A Sunday School continued to function under the leadership of Mr. John Brongers. The Ladies Aid, in the course of time, added a social room to the church building and kept the church in general repairs. Finally, the Disciples and the Hinckley Methodists, also experiencing financial difficulties, united forming the Hinckley Community Church and holding their services in the Disciples building. Various ministers would occasionally conduct worship services.
In 1938, the Rev. Royal Lesher of the United Lutheran Church in America, secured permission to hold services in the church building. On October 17, 1938, the Community Church disbanded, a constitution was adopted, and application for membership was made to the Ohio Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America. The Parish registry Membership Roll begins on October 30, 1938. There are 67 members listed. In May of 1939, the church became the "Community Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hinckley", Pastor Lesher resigned and left the church in 1940.
The Rev. A. G. Lansberry became the next pastor on the 16th of March, 1941. Under his ministry, the church grew and served the community well. Membership climbed to 90 communing members and 132 confirmed members. The addition of church furniture, improvements to the building and a new heating system improved the property. In 1950 the church secured the title to the church property and also purchased the lot on Center Road in contemplation of moving the church building to this new location. This was done in 1951 when the structure was rebuilt and enlarged and the spaces surrounding it landscaped, sidewalks and driveways installed and parking of autos provided. Pastor Lansberry served this congregation for 15 years until his death in 1956. Rev. A.G. Lansberry also served as the pastor of the Lutheran Church in Sharon Center. A retired pastor, the Rev. Paul Ebert, was appointed as a supply pastor until the congregation in October of 1958 called the Rev. Phillip V. Rentz as its first Lutheran full-time pastor.
Pastor Rentz assumed his ministry on November 15, 1958. The years under his ministry had been fruitful and blessed of God. The name of the congregation was changed to "Our Saviour Lutheran Church" and a new house of worship was built in 1968 next to the old building. The new building was designed by Roy D. Murphy, Architect under the supervision of Creative Builder's Inc. of Urbana, Illinois, at a cost of $120,000.00.
The present membership stands at 165 communing members, 250 confirmed members and 420 baptized members. The congregation and pastor are members of the Ohio Synod, Lutheran Church in America.
From 1972-77 we were ably served by the Rev. Jeffrey E. Kehnle. Our Education building was renovated and many people joined.
In 1977, Rev. Dr. John K. Luoma led our congregation. Our present committee structure was developed and the education wing building program was begun.
In 1985, Rev. Philip C. Cumming was called to join us. While he was with us the new education wing was completed and dedicated. Leadership and a sense of family flourished and we enjoyed steady growth. In 2004, plans were developed for expanding the existing education wing and renovations and making additions to the sanctuary.
In 2005, Rev. John Gruneich served as interim pastor. The education wing expansion and sanctuary building projects were completed. Rev. Gruneich started a new committee structure.
In 2006, Rev. Scott K. Silcox was called by the congregation. The Stephen Ministry Ministers and three Stephen leaders were commissioned. Covenant Nursery School began holding weekday classes in our education wing until the school closed.
Our Saviour Lutheran Church is proud of its Lutheran heritage and its long tradition of service to the community of Hinckley.
Painting of the church when moved to Center Road.
Bishop Eaton & Pastor Scott at the 75th Celebration of Our Saviour
Pastor Scott, LaVerne Pay & Bishop Eaton.
LaVerne baked the cake and is one of the original members of Our Saviour.